About the Builder

Builder Gallery

Steve Weise is a fourth-generation builder and owner of Steve Weise Building Company (dba Leading Force Contracting). Long known for building quality, healthy and energy efficient homes, Steve’s motto has always been:
  • Everyone deserves to live in a healthy home
  • Nobody likes to pay the power bill so why not build for energy efficiency
  • Build responsible, sustainable homes that stand the test of time
Past and present homes are certified by a third party to verify that high standards are met. All current homes meet Energy Star 3.2, EPA Indoor Air Plus and ZERH (Zero Energy Ready Home) standards.

Simcoe Cottage

Selah Vista Lot 1 - Cascade 2 Bedroom

Selah Vista Lot 3 - Cascade 3 Bedroom

Selah Vista Lot 19 Custom Home

5 Star Built Green Net Zero Energy Home

Coyote Canyon 1

Coyote Canyon 2

Coyote Canyon 3

Healthy Home in the Valley

Hop Union

Majesty Heights



Sun Valley Idaho

Veterinary Clinic

Weise Home